Trash & Recycling Curbside Pickup

The City contracts with Town and County Sanitation, Inc for waste and recycling pickup. For garbage or recycling collection questions, please contact them at 1-800-626-1915.


Effective March 1, 2025:

  1. The fee for garbage and trash removal from non-commercial properties having not more than four (4) dwelling units is increased from $12.00 to $14.00.
  2. The tipping fee for acceptance of garbage, trash or other acceptable waste materials brought to the city disposal site is increased from $105.00 per ton to $115.00 per ton.
  3. The minimum tipping fee for acceptance of garbage, trash or other acceptable waste materials brought to the city disposal site is increased from $10.00 to $15.00.

Resolution 2025-03 Increasing Fees for Garbage and Trash Removal from Residential Properties

Resolution Implementing the Tagging System and Fees, Resolution 2014-9 

Garbage Collection

Richland Center’s household garbage is collected as follows effective 1/1/2021 – 12/31/2025:

Trash containers must be placed at the curb for pickup by 6:00 AM. Containers should not be placed out at the curb earlier than 24 hours prior to the collection and should be removed from the curb side the same day of collection.

This garbage collection is intended for normal household waste only. Normal household waste collection is not intended for building materials, yard waste, furniture or appliances. These items must be taken to the landfill. Please do not include batteries, liquids, or needles with your household waste. Medical needles should be returned to the medical supply source where they can be disposed of in the proper manor. Liquids in containers as the material is compressed in the trucks can and do explode. Paints may be placed in with your household waste as long as the lid is off and the paint has dried out in the can.

Contractor (Town & Country) shall collect and dispose of household waste and recyclables from curbside at each residential unit within the City, except those residential units located in structures which contain more than four (4) residential units.  Contractor is not required to collect any waste from any commercial or institutional property

Recyclable materials should be separated and placed into your container provided for this purpose.


Place at curbside by 6:00 AM

What to Recycle

Recycling Instructions

Waste oil – can be taken to the Richland County Highway Shop for disposal

The City does not collect the following material and they should not be placed at the curb. If the following material is left at the curb, you will receive a notice in the mail. If the material is not removed, it will be removed at your expense:

  • Lumber
  • Rocks
  • Concrete
  • Soil
  • Sod
  • Metal
  • Furniture

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Garbage Collection Calendar 2025