Opportunities to Serve

Engaging with your community through service on a municipal committee, board, or commission is a rewarding way to make a tangible impact on the place you call home. These bodies play a crucial role in shaping the policies and programs that govern our daily lives, from urban development and environmental protection to public safety and cultural enrichment. By participating, you not only contribute to the well-being and advancement of your municipality but also gain valuable insights into the workings of local government and build lasting connections with fellow community members.

                                         ----- Online Form to Apply Available Soon-----

Serving on a municipal committee, board, or commission is a meaningful way to contribute to the community, influence local governance, and promote positive change. It’s an opportunity to bring your unique perspectives and skills to the table, helping to shape a vibrant, responsive, and inclusive municipality. Your involvement can make a real difference in the lives of your neighbors and the future of your community. Consider stepping up to serve and join others who are dedicated to making our municipality a better place for all.