Zoning Permits
City of Richland Center Zoning Permits Required
Work started without required permits are subject to double fees
For Zoning Questions call 608-647-3466 or email zoning@richlandcenterwi.gov
- New 1 & 2 Family Residential Dwelling: $125
- Residential Addition: $ 75
- Garage or Accessory Building (Accessory Buildings 120 Sq. Ft. or less do not require a permit): $ 35
- Fence: $ 35
- Deck: $ 25
- Commercial, Multi-Family, Industrial Building: $150
- Signs/Sign Permit: $40 Base plus $1/SQ. FT.
- Land Splits, CSMs: $400
- Planned Unit Developments: $200
Other Permits
- Rezoning: $700
- Conditional Use Permit: $400
- Board of Appeals (Variance/Special Exemption: $250
To view all Zoning and Building permit documents pleas go to this link