Akey School Museum

The Richland County Historical Society’s Akey School Museum will open for its forty-third season on Sunday, June 2. The Museum will be open from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Thereafter the Museum will be open Sunday afternoons through the end of September. The Museum is located on County TB, about two and one-half miles from Twin Bluffs.
The Akey School Museum contains hundreds of artifacts gathered from many of the 110 one-room schools that operated in Richland County in the 1930s. All of the documents have been matted and framed, thanks to a bequest from the estate of Thelma Cooper. The Museum also contains many styles of the desks that were used in these unique centers of education.
In 2017 a documentary shooting team from Wisconsin Public Television came, with Jerry Apps, to record for Apps’ latest documentary – The One Room School. The crew and Apps spent several hours recording, both inside and outside the Akey School. The first one-third of the show was recorded at the Akey School! At one point, Apps said, “This is the most well preserved school that I’ve visited.”