Bid Request for TWO Zero-Turn Lawn Mowers

The City of Richland Center Parks and Grounds is accepting bids on purchasing Two new zero-turn commercial grade lawn mowers.

Specification for Zero turn mowers:

  • 1@ 72” cutting deck
  • 1@ 60-61” cutting deck
  • 35-40HP EFI or carbureted gas powered motor
  • Fluid in rear tires
  • Foldable rollbar

Contact Dave Fry with any questions (608)604-0398

Return all sealed bids by 11:00 am. on Friday, March 11, 2022 to the City Administrator (Clearly marked as Zero-Turn Bid)

450 S. Main Street, Richland Center, WI 53581. Bids may be emailed to

The City of Richland Center reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The City of Richland Center is an equal opportunity employer, provider and lender.