Original Works Open Mic with Bruce and Eric Tessmer

Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 5:30pm

Bruce and Eric Tessmer playing guitars together

Our usual and amazing Original Works Open Mic Hosts Doug & Trish Duren are out of town on June 8th. Have no fear though as the show will go on with our incredible special guest hosts Bruce & Eric Tessmer! Weather permitting - we will be on the Wrangler Stage. Bring your picnic blanket and lawn chairs! Sign up to play at 5:30 Performances starts at 6pm! Bring your date! Come to Play or Come to Listen! Comedians, Poets, Musicians - All are welcome. Very welcoming community! Our delicious burger menu will be served and we have fun craft beer in bottles and some really great wine! See you soon! Usually on the second Thursday, but subject to life events.